Flycatcher Medical Aesthetics for men photo shoot

fly high in our patrons club

we know your type

You're a get-shit-done kinda guy, right? Not one to wait around on others?

While you're busy conquering the world it can be difficult prioritizing your own self-care.

We get it. Trimming your nose hairs and cleaning those oily pores isn't exactly top of mind. That is until you notice them during your next Zoom call.

We've created our Patrons Club just for you.

This is hassle-free, proactive self-care. It's TCOB for that handsome face of yours.


One Gentleman's Essential 45-minute facial treatment

Get your busy butt in here once a month and get the healthy complexion you deserve. Our essential facial treatment includes:

  • Double face cleanse
  • Exfoliation
  • Pore extractions
  • Hydration mask
  • Essential serums, moisturizer, sunscreen
  • Nose hair, ear hair, brow cleanup

Add a chemical peel treatment for the special member-only price of $50 (normally $75).

Bearded members get a complimentary beard cleanse/oil treatment (normally a $25 add-on).

It’s the monthly maintenance that will keep your friends wondering, “what is this guy’s secret??"


50% off any first treatment, then 15% off future treatments

Want to try tattoo removal or some microneedling? Or eliminate that sun damage on your neck with a photofacial?? We offer club members 50% off the cost of any first treatment that you want to try. Active members continue to receive 15% off future treatments.


15% off all skincare products

Your at-home skincare regimen is important to your overall health. We want you to look fabulous and healthy, so we’re happy to extend members a 15% discount on our skincare products, including sun protection and anti-aging products.


Bonus: Unlimited nose, ear, and brow cleanups

Get rid of that unsightly hair sprouting out of your ears and nose. You know what we’re talking about, gentleman. Members can swing in any time; it’ll only take five minutes to clean you up.

Join the club

Become a Charter Member for only $99/month from now until November 15, 2024 when the price increases to $125/month.